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The Beautiful Fourth

Course on hold until further notice.

Why not check out the Newborn carrying workshops instead?!


Most parents put a lot of thought into how they wish their birth to go. Classes are attended, birth plans or preferences are made and the baby eagerly awaited.


But what happens after the baby arrives?


Who looks after mum?


Who looks after partner?


This course aims to give you the knowledge and tools to have the best postnatal period possible, allowing your little family to flourish!


We will also focus on building friendships and learning where to get the best support when needed.

Course Details



Twelve hour face to face course set over four sessions.



Sessions will take place over 2 weekends in the new Beautiful Bonds studio.


Relaxation scripts at the end of each session


Receive a gift bag of goodies, including a postnatal planning booklet


A great complementary course to hypnobirthing and other birth antenatal courses for both the birthing partner and the non-birthing partner or support person.


Get £50 off if you book The Beautiful Fourth and Hypnobirthing with Beautiful Bonds.


Maria has over 5 years experience in helping families settle into life as a new family.


She brings together her training in feeding support, carrying consultancy, time as a commmunity maternity care assistant and doula training to bring you the full postnatal care package.


Some sections of this course are based on Sophie Messager's book and course "Why Postnatal Recovery Matters"


Session 1

The 4th Trimester

What is the 4th trimester?
Getting to know you activities
Walking in a babies shoes
Learn a little human biology

Delve into societal

expectations vs reality
What is normal infant sleep

What is skin to skin and why is it important

Have a play with cloth nappies
General baby care

Session 2

Infant Feeding

Why breastfeed

How does it all work?

How to breastfeed, some practical tips with the use of dolls to practice

How to know it is working

What to do if its not working

What to expect in those early months, what is normal?

Bottle and Formula feeding

Where to get support

Session 3

Infant carrying

Why babies want to be carried

A brief history of baby carrying

A look at the different types of carriers

How to use a Stretchy wrap, a hands on demonstration using dolls to practice

How to use a stretchy wrap to aid feeding


The option to purchase your own discounted Lifft stretchy wrap

Session 4

Postnatal recovery

Learn some old traditions

Learn the four pillars of recovery


How to rest when you have a baby who doesn't?


Discuss different ways to get the best foods and nutrition

Recover strength

Learn who and what can help your body to recover


Build a support network that will work for you and your new family


You'll receive your very own Beautiful Bonds Postnatal Planning booklet

Want to book a spot on a Beautiful Fourth course?

Leave your info and we’ll get back to you.

BF booking form
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