When you are done here why not visit Colchester Perinatal Hug to see our network of professionals catering for all your pregnancy, birth and postnatal needs!
Useful links
Have a browse through some of our recommended groups
Colchester Based groups
Check out these local antenatal and postnatal businesses. You can also follow us using the hashtag #colchesterpregnancytopostnatal
Sarah Everett Outdoor Photography
Jessica Ferrari-Wells Nutrition
Tiny Talk Colchester and Tendring
East Essex cloth nappy library CIC
A breastfeeding group offering Mother to mother support, facilitated by trained breastfeeding counselors.

National info links
A great resource for all things sling related. Rosie Knowles has also written the book "Why Carrying Matters".
Sophie's website is full of information about the postnatal period, old traditions and how to adapt them to your circumstances. Sophie has also written the book "Why Postnatal Recovery Matters".
As well as being a center for excellence in carrying consultant training, Slingababy has an abundance of information on all things baby.
To find clear, well researched information about breastfeeding head to La Leche League GB.
Breastfeeding Network-Drugs in breastmilk
A great resource if you want to find up to date information on how drugs, medicines and natural remedies effect breastfeeding.
A well known parenting expert who specialises in the psychology and science of parenting, ‘gentle parenting’ and attachment theory, with a particular interest in child sleep.
The boring bits!

Terms and Conditions
COVID-19 policy for in person sessions
Risk Assessments