When you are done here why not visit Colchester Perinatal Hug to see our network of professionals catering for all your pregnancy, birth and postnatal needs!

Beautiful Bonds
Beautiful Bonds started life part of Ipswich and Colchester Sling library and was run by the lovely Katherine, who still does consultations over in Ipswich.
In January 2021 Beautiful Bonds was born and Maria made it her own by adding more consultations and workshops.
The library side is still going strong though and wouldn't be as successful as it is without the help of the wonderful volunteers who give up their time each month.

Maria Renshaw
Carrying Consultant and Owner
I first took over the Colchester half of Ipswich and Colchester sling library, but it was kept low key and simple as I was expecting baby number 3! In January 2021 I launched Beautiful Bonds, my vision was to develop a place where parents could get support, not only with carrying, but with birth and the 4th trimester.
I started my own baby wearing journey when my first son was born in 2013. My mum bought me my first sling because she thought it might help and my was she right! I went on to wear my first son on and off for the next few years. I then had my second son who was worn in a sling for the first time the day he was born. I was pregnant with my third son during my take over and so I've thoroughly enjoyed trying out all the library slings with him.
I am also a trained breastfeeding councilor and try hard to keep updated an all things baby and baby development.
I can't wait to see how Beautiful Bonds grows and develops!
Oct 2020-Slingababy Baby carrying and Infant Feeding
Aug 2018-HypnobirthMidwivesUK teacher
Jan 2018-Breastfeeding Councellor
Feb 2017-Slingababy Carrying Consultant
Standard courses updated yearly, including but not limited to: Infection prevention and control, Fire Safety, Safe guarding, Equality and Diversity

Mary Watson
Peer Supporter and Library Administrator
I volunteer at the sling library as admin support for my daughter Maria, but I am also a retired midwife.
I am a mother of four and when my first child was born in 1982 I was very keen to try carrying him in a sling, or rather a baby carrier as it was called then. Unfortunately there were minimal instructions on how to use it (and no sling libraries!) and even though my first baby was very small, I found carrying him for any length of time made my back ache, so I didn’t use it very often (and I have no photos sadly).
Fast forward about 25 years when I cared for a woman postnatally who had purchased a stretchy sling and was happily carrying her baby whilst in hospital. She re-convinced me that carrying was the way to go and I, in turn, persuaded Maria a few years later to try it with her first born. I never imagined it would lead to Maria running a sling library and to Beautiful Bonds, but I am so glad it has!
I was a practising midwife from 1982-2021 and whilst working for Mid Essex Hospitals Trust I trained as a hypnobirth practitioner with ©HypnobirthmidwivesUK and then qualified in aromatherapy for childbirth. I have been aware of the use of self-hypnosis in labour since the 90’s and have been particularly enthusiastic about it since Maria had her first child using hypnobirth techniques.
Sept 2023-Sling peer supporter training with Born to Carry, Slings on Sea
Aug 2018-HypnobirthMidwivesUK teacher
Feb 1982-Qualified Midwife


Krysy Elgaard
Peer Supporter and Library volunteer
I've been using slings since 2012. My first sling was a Moby stretchy wrap and I used it from birth, after my c-section. It worked well for us as my first baby had reflux. I’ve also breastfed in various slings. Slings make life so much easier!
I’ve either attended or volunteered at sling libraries since 2013. My first role was in admin/payments. I then decided to do my Peer Supporter training and have been helping fit slings since Jan 2018.
I no longer own as many slings as I used to and some are in the library stock we rent, but I still carry my youngest on the odd occassion she gets tired - I offer her the chance to walk or go in the sling and it makes me so happy when she chooses the sling as we both enjoy the snuggly cuddles.
I’m a Management Accountant the rest of the time but I enjoy volunteering at the library. I’ve seen bumps becomes newborns, growing out of stretchy wraps then into baby-sized buckles and into toddler-buckles and even becoming older siblings to new babies. Most of all I love to see a person’s face when they realise how comfy a sling can be for them and the baby.
Jan 2018-Peer Supporter training with Born to Carry
2013-Library volunteer